“Mark Leysen has hit an historic, cultural and creative home run with FREE RIDE. His novel is a great romp through the 1960s, its characters memorable, the scenes fetching, the writing a piece of art in itself by this renowned artist and gifted novelist. Best of all, he brings the narrative and dialogue to us raw and unvarnished, thankfully without the revisionist, gentrified approach many authors and their publishers take in setting books in the ‘60s. The difference? He lived through it all — and honored a golden rule of all artists: let the viewers/readers interpret for themselves. A beautiful, wild, poignant work, worthy of the success sure to come its way.”

– Robert Yehling • WriteAway Books
Award Winning Author, Voices & Just Add Water
Co-Author, When We Were The Boys

FREE RIDE is Mark Leysen’s sixth novel.
His previous novel, THE REP: Max Passberger, garnered an Honorable
Mention in Fiction at the 2024 Los Angeles Book Fair.
He writes and paints in Irvine, California.

Photo by Nora Novak.


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